miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2008

Writing Project "Face"

Read the book "Face" chapters 1 to 10.
You are a student at Eastmoreland school in East London(click on this link to get a visual image of the place , check the media -images, video I have inlcuded to learn about its music and its people).
You are collaborating with the school newspaper as a news reporter.
Create a frontpage with your news report. (You can use Publisher or any other template)
Write a news report 450-500 words long describing what happened to Martin.

1.First create a name for the school newspaper
2. Write your name below it in small print
3. Create an interesting Headline for your report.
4. Include at least 2 pictures in your newsreport(the accident, Martin, the inspector, or any other you decide)
5. Describe Martin (what was he like before the accident?, what grade was he in?, who were his friends?, what did he like to do?, )
6. describe how the accident happened (who was with him?, who was driving....etc.)
7.describe Martin after the accident (what does he look like now?, willl he be the same again?,,,)
USE the information from chapters 1 to 10 as the source for your article.
Present your frontpage in print the first class after the coming holidays.

Merry Christmas!

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2008

Unit 6 Pronouns: Reflexive , possesive and indefinitie

Activities and resources
Topic A.
Chart (1) with possesive pronouns
Chart (2) with possessive pronouns
Exercise (1) possesive pronouns

Topic B.
Chart Reflexive pronoun
Exercise (1) Reflexive pronouns
Exercise (2) Reflexive pronoun
Exercise (3) Reflexive pronouns
Exercise (4) Me, myself, I

Topic C.
Indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns (explained in Spanish)
(1) Exercise indefinite pronoun (click on start now)
(2)Some , any, (click on play this game)
(3)Some , any, no
(4) Some , any

Song Somebody to love
Read the lyrics and identify the indefinite pronouns

English Bites - Bells Surf (download the clip for video dictation)
Duration: 10:58, Filesize: 38mb
Every Easter, the world's best surfers go to Bells Beach for a world championship surfing event.

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2008

Unit 5 Comparatives, Countables vs. Uncountables

Rules for comparatives(1)
Rules for forming comparatives(2)
Rules (3)
Practice activities:
1. Quizz on comparatives
2. geography quizz using comparatives
3. basketball game using comparatives and superlatives
4. Comparatives (1)
5. Comparatives (2)

Video dictation
1.English Bites - How much is that?
Duration: 6:21, Filesize: 22mb
Today we're going to look at how you buy things in a market.

2. English Bites - Kay
Duration: 7:31, Filesize: 26mb
Kay loves shopping, and loves cooking. Listen to her talk about her day shopping at the market, and what she likes to cook.

3.English Bites - Shopping Lists
Duration: 7:26, Filesize: 25mb
We talk to people about shopping lists and tell you about other lists.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Unit 4 Should, Must, Can , May

In this unit were are going to practise some modals contrasting their meanings and uses.
Grammar exercises
quizz one
quizz 2

Video clips from English bites
1. Occupations
2. Working life

3. Watch the following video clip. Mankind is no island
It's hard to imagine what life would be like without a home - not having a warm bed to sleep in at night, or a roof over your head when it rains. Did you know there are an estimated 300,000 homeless people right now only in Canada?
What do you think we as a society could/should/must/may do?
Write one or 2 sentences in the comment section of this post.


Chapter 1, 2 and 3 from the book "Face"

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008


International Studies
The application for a very attractive program has just come out.
Check the link to see it , you might be interested.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2008

Unit 3 future tense

In this unit we are going to review structures to talk about the future.
We are going to watch 3 videoclips, answer some online exercises, read a speech and finally read and write about what we expect for the future.


Print the script. You can
access it in the website.
Watch the videoclip as many times as necessary .
Look up unknown words in the script.
You will be asked to answer a fill in the blank exercise and general comprehension questions.
You can use your video clip in class (download it to your cell phone or mp3/4 player).

A. In the English bites website find the following video clips. Download them , and watch them.

How to find them: Click on the above link. Find the section "video to take away" and click download.In the next screen look for "Missed and earlier program? Find them here.

Video clip1

English Bites - Wallaby Island
Duration: 8:16, Filesize: 26mb
What is Jim's last chance to save the rock wallabies?


English Bites - Recycling Vodcast42
Duration: 7:49, Filesize: 27mb
All big Australian cities have programs where the local governments collect rubbish to be used again, rather than just throwing it all away.


English Bites - Country Music Star . Vodcast 59
Duration: 10:37, Filesize: 33mb
Every year, the biggest country music festival is held in Tamworth, in rural New South Wales.

The future: Grammar exercises

Answer the following exercises.

1.Grammar exercises quiz 1 quiz 2 Future Plans

2.Grammar challenge quiz 1 and quiz 2"Will &going to

3.Grammar challenge quiz 1 and quiz 2 "Future predictions"

4. The flatmates.

a. Listen to episode 73.

b. Read the section called the language point and

c. Answer the quizz

The future: Reading exercise

It is elections time in the United States. There are two candidates which are trying to convince voters to elect them for President. They are Barack Obama (Democrat) and John McCain (Republican). In the coming weeks before election in November they will debate and explain the voters their plans for their country.

Read Obama´s speech on Education. What is he promising? What are his plans? Identify at least 5 actions in his speech.

Write them and select the sentences from the speech which support your choice. We are going to share them in class.


The future:Writing.
Go to a Million futures
Click on launch.
Click on an airplane to see what someone wrote as an answer to the question
¨What are your hopes for the future".
Copy 5 answers to this question and send your own view. Copy the flight number that the system will give you and in the comment section for this post send your flight number for us to see.

The last 2 activities(reading the speech and writing) must be ready by September 12th.

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Sentences. Elements and past tense

Topics for the second assignment:
Elements of a sentence and Past tense

Topic 1 Elements of a sentence

For the second assignment we are going to review the elements of a sentence.
Can you recognize a sentence?

To find out, do these activities:
1. Play the three games in the follow wesbite.Making Sentences
  • True or false- are these sentences?
  • Does it make sense?
  • Add puctuation to put these texts into sentences
2. When you finish. Print the 3 pages with your results. ( Print the screen) .
They will be your required before the exam.
3. To find information about the elements of a sentence read
The fact sheet
4. Then, answer the five worksheets. You can check the answers and grade yourself using the answer keys provided by the website.
Print the 5 worksheets. Solve them and check your answer s with the answer keys.
5 worksheets with answer keys

Topic 2 . Past Tense vs.Present and Future Tense
1. Getting the tense right. Print the 5 factsheets

2. Play this "Treasure hunt" game .Choose the first 2 the levels.
Spot the verb in the sentence
Choose the right verb
When you finish each level print your final score for each.

3. Answer the quizzes for level A, B and C
Print your scores for each level

4. Pronunciation (ed) Past tense
Go to the following webpages . Study the following material
Pronunciation of the past tense
Quizz on pronunciation
BBC quizz past tense

Be prepared for an exam on these topics and unit two by
September 9

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

Welcome to our virtual class

Hi, I hope you find the course interesting and full of fun ideas and experiences.
In this blog you will find the activities that will help you learn and practise English.
Out first topic will be a review of the most common questions using
Where, How, Who, why, etc.
Check the information in the next web sports pages and find the following information.
olympics NBC. USA

1. What sports are included in the olympic games? Make a list.
2. Choose an athlete . Read his biography. Takes notes and prepare a 1 minute oral presentation .
3. Include a picture of him/her to show to your classmates during your presentation.
Homework will be due: August 19th (group 501) and 21rst (group 509) 2008

(Si tienes dudas sobre como pronunciar tu descripción te sugiero utilizar el software"Text to Speech". Se encuenta como liga en el menu arriba a la derecha.
Copia el texto en el cuadro de texto y te creará un archivo de audio para que tengas un modelo de pronunciación.)

The following links will help you practise these grammar points for review.
Subject-verb agreement
Wh questions (1)
Wh questions (2)
Wh questiosn (3)
Short answers
Assorted questions