viernes, 27 de febrero de 2009

Unit 8 Present perfect (cont.)

Activities and resources

Explanation on the use of the present perfect versus the Simple Past.
Present Perfect versus past simple
Practise grammar exercises
Quizz 2
Written grammar description

English bites

High school actors

Face chapter 16

jueves, 19 de febrero de 2009

domingo, 15 de febrero de 2009


Activities and resources
Grammar chart
Ever, never, already, yet
Present perfect or Past tense?

Irregular Past Participles
Present Perfect vs past tense with some American Presidents
For and since
Present Perfect and Past Simple (Music and Dance)
Present or Past

English Bites - Perth´s Future(download the clip for video dictation)

Chapter 15 FACE

Students singing a love song in class " I am yours "

jueves, 5 de febrero de 2009

Create your podcast

Hi everyone,
You have two tasks for next week.
Task 1.
It is time to concentrate in oral skills. During the last 3 months of the school year you will produce and publish in a podcast page short mp3 files ( 1 minute max) for each unit in the book.
First create an account in podomatic.
If you need a tutorial you can check this one out.
You can record using the podomatic online tools directly from your computer if it has a microphone , you can also use your phone, or your digital camera.
Make sure you send me (to my mail) the link to your podcast page.
Upload your mp3 file and post a picture relevant to the topic discussed.
For unit seven please answer the following questions in your mp3 file.

  • What are some of things you have done in your life that you are proud of?
  • What haven´t you done yet but are planning to do soon?

or inform your audience about Oxfam

Task 2.
Valentine´s day s coming. Do you know how this celebration started?
Learn this song ,sing it until you feel you can sing along (check the lyrics). Be ready to comment on some of the things you have learned in the media included in this post.

Jason Mraz widget by 6L & Daxii

martes, 3 de febrero de 2009

Some samples of the Face poster

Take a look at the following posters.
Victor´s poster has a great newspaper layout.
Carlos´ news article has a detailed description of the accident.
Andres´ report is well organized.
Congratulations to them.