domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Sentences. Elements and past tense

Topics for the second assignment:
Elements of a sentence and Past tense

Topic 1 Elements of a sentence

For the second assignment we are going to review the elements of a sentence.
Can you recognize a sentence?

To find out, do these activities:
1. Play the three games in the follow wesbite.Making Sentences
  • True or false- are these sentences?
  • Does it make sense?
  • Add puctuation to put these texts into sentences
2. When you finish. Print the 3 pages with your results. ( Print the screen) .
They will be your required before the exam.
3. To find information about the elements of a sentence read
The fact sheet
4. Then, answer the five worksheets. You can check the answers and grade yourself using the answer keys provided by the website.
Print the 5 worksheets. Solve them and check your answer s with the answer keys.
5 worksheets with answer keys

Topic 2 . Past Tense vs.Present and Future Tense
1. Getting the tense right. Print the 5 factsheets

2. Play this "Treasure hunt" game .Choose the first 2 the levels.
Spot the verb in the sentence
Choose the right verb
When you finish each level print your final score for each.

3. Answer the quizzes for level A, B and C
Print your scores for each level

4. Pronunciation (ed) Past tense
Go to the following webpages . Study the following material
Pronunciation of the past tense
Quizz on pronunciation
BBC quizz past tense

Be prepared for an exam on these topics and unit two by
September 9

domingo, 10 de agosto de 2008

Welcome to our virtual class

Hi, I hope you find the course interesting and full of fun ideas and experiences.
In this blog you will find the activities that will help you learn and practise English.
Out first topic will be a review of the most common questions using
Where, How, Who, why, etc.
Check the information in the next web sports pages and find the following information.
olympics NBC. USA

1. What sports are included in the olympic games? Make a list.
2. Choose an athlete . Read his biography. Takes notes and prepare a 1 minute oral presentation .
3. Include a picture of him/her to show to your classmates during your presentation.
Homework will be due: August 19th (group 501) and 21rst (group 509) 2008

(Si tienes dudas sobre como pronunciar tu descripción te sugiero utilizar el software"Text to Speech". Se encuenta como liga en el menu arriba a la derecha.
Copia el texto en el cuadro de texto y te creará un archivo de audio para que tengas un modelo de pronunciación.)

The following links will help you practise these grammar points for review.
Subject-verb agreement
Wh questions (1)
Wh questions (2)
Wh questiosn (3)
Short answers
Assorted questions